John Lydon (Ph. D.)
The Effects of Ultraviolet-B Radiation on the Growth, Physiology and Cannabinoid Production of Cannabis Sativa L.
By John Lydon (Ph. D.). Published by the University of Maryland, College Park, in 1985. 190 pages.
We are yet to put our hands on a copy of this book, but have it listed because it is one of the oldest books on UVB and cannabis, and demonstrates that this "secret" has been around for decades or longer. It appears to not have been issued an ISSN number, making tracking it down rather difficult. If you have a copy, we would love a summary or a copy, if only to compare to modern research.
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By John Lydon (Ph. D.). Published by the University of Maryland, College Park, in 1985. 190 pages.
We are yet to put our hands on a copy of this book, but have it listed because it is one of the oldest books on UVB and cannabis, and demonstrates that this "secret" has been around for decades or longer. It appears to not have been issued an ISSN number, making tracking it down rather difficult. If you have a copy, we would love a summary or a copy, if only to compare to modern research.